Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More Vampirella

Almost done! I've been working on getting the piece assembled, starting at the bust! Here's the clasp for the bust piece:
Next came the collar. I made the basic collar shape, but added a strip of bias on the bottom to attach it to the clasp. It looked like this:

In order to wear it, I attached a small metal clip to one side of the bias and sewed the other to the round clasp.
Here's what it looked like on the dress form:
 Last step is painting, and then jewelry. Here's where I'm at now. As you can see, it'll take a few more coats of paint.
I should have the arm band and earrings done by the end of the week so check back soon!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Vampirella Cosplay Update

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm not the best blogger, am I?

I've been working on a Vampirella cosplay for a very busty woman. I started by modifying this pattern to have a shape more Vampirella-ish. (Btw, that's a great website for sewing anything out of spandex, you should totes check it out.)

So to test out my pattern, I covered my lady dress form with a super tight mesh shirt that I bought at American Apparel years and years ago. I used craft stuffing to make her boobs bigger. Here's the result:

 Looks weird, but the measurements come out right and It will work for what I have in mind. Though anyone who comes over in the next few weeks will probably get the wrong idea of my intentions with this fair lady.

Anyway, here's the result:
 As you can see, my lady still has one major flaw: she has no legs. And no crotch. I'll worry about that later, though. Right now, it's just important that I have the shape of the basic outfit down so I can begin perfecting it.
I need to take a little in from the side of the boobs, but other than that I'd say it looks about right. Not bad, overall. Next I'll work on the collar and then finish up the jewelry. Updates soon to follow!