I've been slightly concerned with our water quality lately and with all the studies being done recently that have shown the potential harm of fluoride, I've felt like i should be doing more to ensure that my son has a good and clean source of water.
After a bit of research i decided that the Berkley Water Filtration System was what i wanted since it wasn't hooked up to the house. We're renting our current house so i didn't want anything that i would have to install and then uninstall later. Also, a counter top filter could be used to filter rainwater if I ever get a collection system up and running here.
The only problem was that a filter system that was the size and had all the accessories i wanted would have cost just under $500, which is a lot of money for a sew-at-home mom like myself.
I stumbled upon someone who had made one themselves using Berkley water filters and 5 gallon buckets. It takes a little extra work but it's way more in my price range!
I ordered all my supplies from http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com/
The Berkley filters, with fluoride attachments, buckets, lids, spout, and extra washers cost just under $200. Shipping was free and it was processed and shipped in less than a week! Yay!
Initially i had drilled two 1" holes in the bottom of my top bucket but those turned out to be to big and water went all over my kitchen. Yay!
So that bucket is now being used as flower pot and I found and scrubbed out another bucket from our garage.